Accepting application for overseas sales companies.
Arte Tokio is now accepting application for corporations currently involved in overseas sales. While negotiations with interested companies are now underway for Europe, Russia, America, China and other offers will be declined, the opportunity for sales in Korea, Hong Kong, Taiwan, and other countries is still open. Corporations interested in the latter countries are requested to contact us, along with an explanation of their company overview, by email.

Our company.

  We're the one kind of organization like the gentle federation which have consisted by peoples who have an interest in literature, music and modeling...
How reflected was the worldview we proposed in your eyes? We'll be succeeding to tradition of a Japanese modeling craftsman as well as continue experimental proposing.Please watch our challenge. See you!

Corporation name

arte tokio

Mailing address

Tokyo-to, Inagi-si, HigashiNaganuma 1378-8,JAPAN


tel: +81 (0)42 370 4700
fax: +81 (0)42 300 4701
(Japanese, English)

Contact Us


arte tokio sidh`s

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